A Decade of Action for Ending Poverty, Gender Equality and Climate Ambition
With only ten years to go, acceleration is needed to ensure we meet the 2030 deadline and achieve the achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are still far from the world we want. This is why the UN Secretary-General is calling on national and local governments, civil society organizations, youth groups, parliamentarians, the media, private sector and everyone with the aim of boosting a global coalition making the SDGs a reality.
2020 needs to usher in a decade of ambitious actions for sustainable development. The Decade of Action, launched today, calls for accelerating sustainable solutions to the world’s biggest challenges — from poverty and gender to climate change, inequality, whilst tackling the finance gaps. The goal is also to drive sustainable ideas and innovation, financial investments and technology while making space in our communities and cities for young people to lead and ensure that no-one is left behind.
“We will mobilize everyone, everywhere to take action — individually and collectively, locally and globally. Everybody has a contribution to make. It is our commitment to inspire others and start a global butterfly effect of SDG action for people and for the planet” says Marina Ponti, Director of the UN SDG Action Campaign.
In light of this, the 2020 edition of the SDG Global Festival of Action in Bonn (1–3 April 2020) will be a milestone to broaden and deepen the partners of the Decade of Action, with a focus on local and innovative solutions that can lead to transformative change and how creativity can shift societies. With high level engagement from the UN, national and local governments, civil society, youth groups, private sector and artists, the 2020 edition will galvanize new partnerships and inspire new areas of collaboration to make the Decade of Action a success. The Festival will also dedicate deep dive sessions to the Decade of Action core priorities: Climate Ambition, Gender Equality and Fighting Inequalities.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development holds great promise for most people in the world today and represents possibly the only way forward for future generations. Its implementation also requires a monumental shift which can start from each of us now.
Originally published at UN SDG Action Campaign.